How Transformational Leaders Deal with Distraction
There’s no such thing as a distraction-free workspace. I don’t care if you’re in your office, at home, or in a favorite coffee shop. Your mind can still wander. The beeps and alerts from your phone and laptop can draw you away from the task at hand. It happens to the best of us. […]
5 Steps to Creating a Culture of Wellness
Workplace wellness doesn’t happen through a simple program or through a few well-intentioned words of encouragement. It happens only when you make wellness part of your culture, one of the values around which your team aligns. That’s a tall order but by no means impossible. In fact, I’ve got a few solutions I can […]
How to Create a Culture of Transparency
In today’s post, I’d like to share just a few quick thoughts on how a culture of transparency is established. These days, a lot of us are skeptical about just how much we can trust the news, our politicians, and our social media feeds. At the very least, we’d like to be able to trust […]
Building Culture at Your Startup
Here’s a secret about culture: Every company has one, regardless of whether you’re building culture intentionally or allowing it to happen by accident. This holds true even for startups. Right out of the gate, you have the choice to mold and shape the culture you want—or to sit back and hope for the best. Naturally, […]
Transformational Leaders Don’t Shy Away from Conflict
One of the most common questions people ask me is: How can we avoid or minimize conflict in the workplace? I get why people ask it. After all, many of us really don’t like conflict, finding it to be stressful, awkward, and unpleasant. But of course, if you’ve ever been in a family or worked […]
5 Simple Solutions to Enhance Company Culture
I’ve been in a lot of companies where the culture was strong; I’ve also been in a lot of companies where the culture left much to be desired. I don’t think I’ve ever been in a company where the culture was perfect. In fact, I’m not sure such a company culture even exists. Simply put, […]
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