Master the Art of the Pivot

Master the Art of the Pivot

As a leader, it’s important to always have a plan. At the same time, however, it’s important to realize that your plans won’t always unfold smoothly. You’ll run into problems. You’ll hit a wall. You’ll be thrown off course. Pick whichever turn of phrase you like—the point is, you need to be ready to deal […]

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Structure Your Days for Maximum Productivity

Structure Your Days for Maximum Productivity

I’ve written before about the importance of having the right morning routine for maximum productivity but today, I want to pan back and talk about something even more basic: Simply put, the way you structure your days can have a big impact on your productivity. It’s not enough to have a to-do list; to maximize your […]

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Stay Productive – Without Losing Your Mind

Stay Productive – Without Losing Your Mind

For many of us, there’s an innate tension between productivity and mental health. We want to get things done, but we also want to maintain some balance and some sanity. We want to stay productive without feeling constantly stressed over everything on our to-do list. That tension is real, but it’s not insurmountable. Let me […]

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Are You Taken Seriously by Your Team?

Are You Taken Seriously by Your Team?

Simple question for today: Do the people on your team take you seriously? That can be sort of a fuzzy thing to define, but you probably have a pretty good instinct for it: Your team either respects you and deems you credible or they don’t, and whatever your gut’s telling you on this issue, it’s […]

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Employee Engagement is the Edge You Need

Employee Engagement is the Edge You Need

Employee engagement isn’t just a buzzword; it’s something that can actually make your team stronger, your products better, and your business more competitive. In other words, it can have a real impact on your bottom line, and in more ways than one. Let me walk you through just a few of the ways in which […]

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How to Set an Effective Meeting Agenda

How to Set an Effective Meeting Agenda

When you invite other people to a meeting, they have every right to expect you to run that meeting efficiently. It’s the height of unprofessionalism—to say nothing of rudeness and inefficiency—for you to waste their time. To that end, one of the best things you can do when planning your meeting is to set a […]

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Communication Skills Assessment

Unlock the full potential of your leadership and team interactions with Rick Goodman’s Communication Skills Assessment. This invaluable tool helps identify strengths and pinpoint areas for improvement in how you connect with others. Effective communication is the cornerstone of successful relationships, team cohesion, and achieving goals. By taking this assessment, you’ll gain actionable insights to enhance clarity, foster trust, and drive results in every conversation. Start transforming your communication skills today!

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