How Scalable is Your Organizational Culture?
How scalable is your organizational culture? Every entrepreneur wants to see their business grow—but in some ways, that growth can be a two-edged sword. For instance, you may feel like your unique company culture is a key component of your success. having a scalable organizational culture will be primary factor in your growth. But when you […]
Do Disgruntled Employees Deserve a Chance?
All of us know people who like to complain. Those folks can be difficult to be around, and they can be especially tough to work with. And when you’re in a leadership role, you have little choice but to deal with these negative employees regularly. You may sometimes be tempted to just cut them loose—and […]
How Transformational Leaders Build Better Cultures
Company culture isn’t set by any one person. Rather, it’s something that emanates from the entire team. With that said, leaders invariably set the tone and establish some of the core cultural values. One of the key aspects of being a transformational leader is seeking opportunities to strengthen your culture, building it into something that’s […]
How New Leaders Can Approach Team Building
Team building can be challenging under the best of circumstances. When you’re new to the job—for example, if you’ve just been promoted into the team leader role—it can be especially daunting. After all, how are you supposed to build unity among people you barely know and haven’t yet had much chance to gel? Well, I’ve […]
Don’t Let Bad Advice Ruin Your Presentation
You’ll find a lot of people out there ready to give you advice on your presentation or pitch. Sadly, you can’t always trust them. I don’t mean that in a snooty way. It’s just that when it comes to public speaking, bad advice abounds! Take it from me, as a keynote speaker, I encounter a […]
How to Fix a Struggling Company Culture
I’ve written countless times about the importance of company culture—how it can be a tool for recruiting, how it helps with engagement, how it improves performance, how it gives your business a competitive edge. All of which raises the question: what are you supposed to do when your culture is suboptimal? As a business leader, […]
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