I have shared with my audiences and coaching clients recently about how to maintain positivity in your company culture. You can’t force people to be happy—least of all your employees. What you can do, however, is create a workplace culture that promotes positivity.
This is a worthwhile undertaking, and for a few different reasons. The first is that a positive workplace tends to breed positive people—and when your employees have positive energy, they tend to be more productive, more energetic, and more engaged.
That positivity spreads to customers, too. Have you ever done business with a company where the employees were exceedingly cheerful and kind? It probably made an impact on you. It probably made you glad to be doing business with them.
Instilling positivity in your company culture is a noble quest, then—but how can it be accomplished?
Bringing Positivity to Your Workplace Culture
Make a choice about the kind of business you want to have. Ask yourself this: When an employee leaves your company, how will they remember it? As a happy place, or as an oppressive one? Consider what kind of legacy you want to leave with your employees, and make that your guiding concept.
Hire positive people. Bringing positive people onto your team is paramount. Do you have a new applicant who is constantly complaining about their current boss? That kind of attitude isn’t going to change when they join your team. Hire smartly, and be tuned in for positive outlooks.
Encourage feedback—and listen to it. Welcome your employees to come to you with suggestions for improvement—and be grateful for whatever feedback you receive. You don’t have to implement every suggestion made, but do really listen to it, and respect it.
Give recognition where recognition is due. Don’t hesitate to provide public praise or rewards for team members who do exemplary work. Show your appreciation for the people who work for you.
Provide a sense of purpose. The enemy of positivity isn’t necessarily negativity, but rather aimlessness. You can combat this by making sure all your employees know what your vision is, and how they play a part in achieving that.
Does Your Team Need Coaching?
Something else you can do to show you are serious about positive culture: Engage a coach who can show you how to transform your team today! Don’t hesitate to call me and ask about my Coaching and Consulting other services.
Dr. Rick Goodman CSP is a thought leader in the world of leadership and one of the most sought after conference keynote speakers on leadership, engagement, and business growth in the United States and internationally.
He is the author of the books Living A Championship Life “A Game Plan for Success” and My Team Sucked “10 Rules That Turned Them Into Rock Stars.” He is also the co-author of the book Jamie’s Journey: Travels with My Dad, written with his sixteen-year-old daughter Jamie.
Dr. Rick is famous for helping organizations, corporations, and individuals with systems, strategies, and solutions that encourage engagement, resulting in increased profits and productivity without having the challenges of micromanaging the process. Some of Dr. Rick’s clients include Heineken, AT&T, Boeing, Cavium Networks, IBM, Hewlett Packard, and Franklin Templeton Investments.
You can contact Dr. Rick at www.rickgoodman.com or call 888-267-6098.