You probably know the old saying: When life hands you lemons, make lemonade. It’s good advice, but it’s also much easier said than done. That’s doubly true when the lemons you’ve been handed include workplace adversity. Whether it’s an obnoxious coworker or an overbearing boss, trouble in your nine-to-five can really be stressful.
So how can you get through it, and perhaps even redeem it? I’ve got just a few pieces of advice.
Responding to Workplace Adversity
Look for opportunities to learn and to grow. Adversity can be a great teacher, illuminating ways you can evolve, adapt, and make yourself more resilient. Actively seek those learning opportunities. Spend some time in reflection, and consider how you can derive some usefulness even from a bad situation.
Consider the pieces. What seems like one big issue may actually be a confluence of smaller issues. Spend some time thinking about the little things that are contributing to your feelings of workplace adversity, and see if you can address them one at a time. You may not be able to change everything, but try to change what you can.
Reframe your self-talk. Moping or feeling sorry for yourself won’t solve anything, so cut it out! Instead, frame your narrative in a way that’s more empowering. When you head to work in the morning, stop saying, “I’m in for another tough day.” Instead, say, “Today I’ll prove to myself how tough I am.”
Find outlets for yourself. All of us need healthy avenues to blow off some steam—so what’s yours? Whether it’s yoga, exercise, journaling, or some other artistic endeavor, find a way to safely channel your feelings of stress.
Take care of yourself. I know, I know—when you’re dealing with adversity, it’s easy to stay up all night tossing and turning. Try to prioritize sleep, sound nutrition, and mental health breaks, though—all of which can better equip you to deal with adversity.
Difficult workplace situations can take their toll—but there are steps you can take not just to survive them, but to come out on the other side, better and stronger.
One tip I’ll close with: Get an executive coach who can help you through these difficult seasons. I’d love to be that coach for you! Reach out to me today, and let’s talk together about your situation. You can contact Dr. Rick at or call 888-267-6098.