Do you struggle with a lot of employee churn at your company? With employees who come and then go, not quite as able or as culturally aligned as you’d first hoped? If that’s the case, then there’s a good chance you’re simply not hiring the best people in the first place. It’s worth your time to figure out why that is.

You’re thinking too locally.

It’s natural to want to hire someone who has roots in your community—but what if the best people simply don’t live where you live? What if your industry’s biggest talent pools lie elsewhere? It may be important to cast your net to other cities and even other states. And as you do so, it’s critical to emphasize why your city and your company would be worthy of relocation. Roll out the red carpet for your non-local candidates, and wow them into giving the relocation a fair shake.

You’re not interviewing well.

Job interviews aren’t meant to determine which technical skills your applicants have. You can learn that from reading their resumes. No, the job interview is for you to get a sense of how they think and what their values ae. Ask probing and open-ended questions, and try to engage your applicants in real dialogue, rather than just running through a resume checklist.

Your job descriptions are threadbare.

A good job description is anything but boilerplate. It gets really detailed and specific about the job in question, but even before that, it gets really detailed and specific about your company’s culture, mission, and values. The job description should really give applicants a good idea of what it would be like to work for your company and with your team.

Your application process is cumbersome or unclear.

Finally, note that the hiring process itself needs to be streamlined in order for your applicants to feel like they’re being taken care of. Train your HR team to emphasize and clarify the steps in the process, to let applicants know how and when they will hear from you, etc. Don’t give them any cause to suspect that you’ve forgotten about them, or to wonder if they need to look elsewhere.

It’s important to focus on teambuilding from the very beginning—and that means having smart hiring processes. I’d love to talk with you more about this. Reach out at or call 888-267-6098.

Communication Skills Assessment

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