by Dr. Rick Goodman | Aug 13, 2018 | Leadership, Productivity, Self Care
Do you want to know the not-so-secret philosophy of high achievers? They really make every hour, every minute count. And you can too—starting with the morning. Getting your day started off on a productive foot positions you to score further wins throughout the day....
by Dr. Rick Goodman | Aug 1, 2018 | Human Resources, Leadership, Productivity, Workplace Culture
Let’s be honest: Most of us waste a little bit of time each day, whether by playing on Facebook, browsing YouTube videos, or simply being idle. This wasted time is not always, in fact, wasted. There is value in taking a little time to let your mind wander, and to...
by Dr. Rick Goodman | Jul 25, 2018 | Leadership, Management Skills, Productivity
Thanks to modern communication technology, most of us aren’t nearly as office-bound as we used to be. We can get our work done from practically anywhere—the basement, the living room, a favorite coffee shop, a quiet park bench, even an airport terminal. And sometimes,...
by Dr. Rick Goodman | Jun 26, 2018 | Productivity
Leaders are constantly looking for tips and tricks to help them make better use of their time—but what if I told you I knew about a true time management superpower? And what if I could impart that superpower to you? Using Your Found Time The superpower I’m talking...
by Dr. Rick Goodman | May 31, 2018 | Leadership, Productivity
In an effort to be more productive, leaders are putting in more hours than ever before—yet many have learned that working longer hardly makes them more productive. Actually, the opposite can be the case. When you work yourself ragged, not taking the time you need for...
by Dr. Rick Goodman | May 9, 2018 | Leadership, Productivity, Self Care
Being good at time management has very little to do with intelligence. In fact, some of the sharpest leaders I know really struggle to use their time effectively. In many cases, they get into their own heads, overthinking things rather than developing the simple yet...