Is workplace wellness hardwired into your company culture? For many companies, the answer is a resounding yes. And for those companies that do take employee health and wellbeing seriously, it’s exciting to consider some of the innovations coming down the pipeline.

In this post, I want to round up just a few of them. The goal of this post is simply to show you that workplace wellness is constantly evolving, and the options available to you are more robust all the time. With that said, here are some trends you can look out for over the remainder of 2019.

Upcoming Trends in Workplace Wellness


  • Disconnection

 Do you feel like you’re constantly plugged into your phone, or attuned to your work email account? According to a lot of medical experts, that level of constant connectivity is stress-inducing and ultimately pretty bad for you. As such, more and more companies are making disconnection part of their company culture, imposing restrictions against after-hours emails, etc.

  • Office Fitness Centers

 Okay, having a fitness center with some basic exercise equipment in your office is nothing new—but I think it’s something you’ll see more and more of, with more companies understanding that a culture of wellness can be an invaluable recruiting and retention tool.

  • Group Exercise Options

Something else that will become prevalent is companies encouraging their team members to get fit together—whether by starting workplace walking/jogging clubs, or simply going together to yoga or Pilates sessions. That way, you can accomplish your key goals of workplace wellness and team-building!

  • Fitness Tech

Finally, I think we’re on the verge of a big groundswell of support for fitness wearables that allow individuals to track and measure their fitness goals. And businesses, seeking to collect hard data on their employee wellness efforts, are going to be behind this trend 100 percent.

Those are just a few of my predictions; to talk with me more about creating a company culture that promotes employee health, I invite you to contact me today! You can reach out at or call 888-267-6098.

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