I’m a big believer in physical fitness. Specifically, I believe it’s a vital part of professional success.
Want to do your best work? Experience high energy levels? Remain focused and creative? Keep stress at bay? Daily exercise is the key to all of it (especially when you combine it with sleep and sound nutrition).
But of course, there are some challenges to pursuing physical fitness while you also lead a busy work life. The basic challenge is simply finding time to get everything in.
And I get it. It can be tough. But it’s not impossible. Let me offer just a few tips, tricks, and hacks that can help you strike the right balance between fitness and professionalism.
Physical Fitness and Your Work Life
- Find ways to get up and get active throughout your day—even if it’s just for a few minutes at a time. Try doing certain activities, like participating in conference calls, while standing. Take five-minute breaks each hour and just walk around the building. Try to work in a slightly longer walk when you’re on your lunch break. Every break from the sedentary is a win for your health.
- Don’t forget the role nutrition plays. Eat a filling, nutritious breakfast, which can give you the energy you need to be active throughout the day. It may also help prevent you from reaching for unhealthy, energy-sapping snacks in the morning.
- If you have space in your home or office for some simple workout equipment—dumbbells or even a treadmill—that can be a good investment, and a great way to get in some exercise even if you can’t quite make it to the gym. Also, explore some workout apps or yoga videos on YouTube—simple ways to exercise at home!
- Set goals for yourself at the start of each week, and keep track of your progress. They don’t have to be elaborate goals—something as simple as 30 minutes of walking each day, or three trips to the gym, can work well. The key is just to motivate yourself.
It’s tough to maintain a physical fitness routine while you also lead a bustling professional life—tough, but achievable. And, might I add, totally worthwhile!
Consider ways you can be more active—and if you need a coach, I’m your man! Reach out to me directly to learn more. You can contact Dr. Rick at www.rickgoodman.com or call 888-267-6098.