Conflict Management Training

Effectively Confront Conflict Head-On

Why is Conflict Management Training Important?

Conflict Comes in All Shapes
and Sizes.

Regardless of whether we enjoy it, dealing with conflict is a part of life. And how we handle conflict determines whether it is a positive or negative experience for us. To be successful at work, you must be able to effectively confront conflict head-on. If you don’t learn to master the art of managing conflict, you could risk hurting your career success, your personal happiness and even worse, the happiness of others who depend on you.

Conflict Management Workshop Agenda

Understanding Conflict – and Why It Makes Us So Uncomfortable
  • Exploring the basic causes of conflict
  • Proven strategies for minimizing causes of conflict so you can prevent disagreements from occurring in the first place
  • How fear of conflict can hold you back personally and professionally
  • Recognizing why avoidance, power plays, pouting, and manipulation never resolve conflict
  • The positive side of conflict: How you can benefit and grow from conflict
Conflict-Resolution Skills Guaranteed to Help You Work Through Disagreements
  • Mastering the five-step approach to conflict resolution
  • Exercise: Using problem-solving worksheets to diagnose what’s really going on in a disagreement
  • Never place blame, and other big “don’ts” to avoid during conflict
  • Negotiating secrets that master diplomats use to resolve disagreements
  • Critical steps that lead to agreement
  • Self-validation: A powerful take-home tool that teaches you how to come out on top in conflict
Mastering Confrontation: A Professional Approach That Will Improve Your Results Immediately
  • Do you dread confrontation? Steps for getting beyond the fear
  • Confrontation 101: How-to’s for confronting someone in a calm, professional manner
  • Stop … think … use your head: How to avoid over-reacting
  • If anger or tears threaten: Proven techniques for neutralizing your emotions
  • What to do if someone gets verbally abusive during the confrontation
  • How to respond when others try to drag you into an argument you don’t want to be part of
  • Recognizing when it’s better not to confront
Effectively Managing Your Anger – and That of Others
  • Basic must-know facts about anger
  • Anger management made easy: A 4-stage response to anger
  • How to get your point across without blowing your top
  • Your options when you’ve said something you immediately regret
  • Keys to minimizing antagonistic behavior tactics for defusing an angry person
  • Crisis management: What to do when someone’s anger threatens to turn into violence
Handling Conflict and Confrontation in Specific Tough Situations
  • The use of scripts to guide you through common conflict related situations
  • Techniques for dealing effectively with backstabbing, ridicule, and malicious gossip
  • What to do when you’re challenged or put down in front of others
  • Tips for handling criticism without getting defensive or upset
  • Power tips for handling various negative behaviors of difficult people
  • “Kid glove rules” for handling confrontations with customers or clients
Communication Mastery: Your Key to Conflict Resolution
  • The 3 C’s of conflict communication
  • Essential communication skills for resolving disagreements
  • Conflict-escalating words that you should never use during confrontation
  • End mixed messages with clear communication
  • Assertive responses that can head off conflict before it starts
  • Active listening skills that help you hear what’s really being said – and avoid misunderstandings
How to Handle Conflict and Stress
  • Recognizing the long-term health hazards of stress, anger, and unresolved conflict
  • Identifying and dealing with toxic stressors that lead to conflict in your life
  • Quick de-stressing tips guaranteed to help you keep your cool
  • Why you must let go of rage and self-pity if you care about your career – and your health
  • Negative self-talk: How to eliminate internal dialogue that can sabotage your best efforts
  • The 5-step process for reclaiming your self-esteem after a difficult confrontation

Telephone: 1-888-267-6098

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